Contracts between €100k & 5m (maximum financeable amount is €4m) Finance only in Euros
Average interest rate of 5-10% p.a., depending on maturity and credit worthiness of buyer
6 to 60 months finance, if more than 2 years at least 15% down payment required Repayment plan quarterly or bi-annually
Good financial records Profitable last 2 years
Not more than 3.0 x net debt / EBITDA Equity ratio >20%
Contract value not more than 50% of equity
Company at least 5 years old (unless it’s an SPV for e.g. renewable energy projects) Purchaser of German investments goods, e.g. textile producers, automotive suppliers, manufacturers of electronic products (SMT, semiconductors, etc), water filtration companies, gas and electric companies, metal processing and manufacturing
No military or defense
Latest two annual reports, ideally audited and in English (not a must)
Alternatively, unconfirmed L/Cor bank guarantee (if annual reports not to be provided) Ideally credit agency report, e.g. Credit Reform, Bürgel, Equifax, etc.
Investment goods, e.g. machines, medical devices, renewable energy equipment Goods that are at least 51% of German origin
Projects including services component are possible, if share of services is not exceeding 30%
Maximum local costs of 23% in projects (e.g. for energy projects)
A product "Made in Germany" must fulfill the following requirements Those services and components which are crucial to the quality and valuation of the goods must have been performed or manufactured in Germany
The description “Made in Germany” is not justified by simply assembling parts that have been prefabricated abroad, carrying out a final inspection or labeling the goods in Germany
Some parts or components of an industrial product may certainly be supplied from abroad, but the essential parts of the final product must have been originated in Germany
A significant refinement may justify the description “Made in Germany”, but the above mentioned statement still applies here:
the refinement must be crucial to the quality and valuation of the product